Creating Magic

Creating Magic Through Intentional Living

To be intentional is to consciously bring energy into something. Intentionality brings depth, meaning, and richness to life. There is the surface level which most of us live on: it is the tasks we do from sunrise to sunset. But in living this way we are missing something. There is desire for more.

Beneath the surface, lies the inner universe. This is where all creation happens. Beneath the surface is energy and inconceivable realities. You can imagine everything beneath the surface as the energetic blueprint for all things physical. Living intentionally is connecting to what is below the surface. And that is essentially you. You are the unseen. You are the life force. You are existence itself.

So . . . let’s dive in: how to create magic from this sacred space beneath all things. Together we will go through how to make an elixir. This is one practise as an example, but this transitions to all areas in your life. You can implement any energy into anything: a relationship, your clothes, food, a forest . . . In doing this, you are creating an energetic intention for manifestation to follow.

#1 Clear Mind
Let your mind go clear. This is the basic principle for any realization or creation: we must first clear the cobwebs of thought. Allow your body to settle. Become aware of your senses. Become aware of your surroundings. Be clear and open to receive.

#2 Clear Energy
Creating with intention is all energetic. So get really clear on what your current energy is. We do this by connecting to our bodies. The body is the conduit between the non-physical (energy, you, the universe . . .) and the physical (life on Earth as a human). The way we connect the two worlds is through feeling, feeling into the body.

In your still, clear, comfy space, bring awareness to the core of your body: from the tail of your spine to the top of your head. Notice the dominant sensation – not physical in nature but a feeling of energy. This is where you need to clear the space. In order to create intention we must first be clear. Actively breathe into your heart space, allowing all sensations to rise a little higher in their feeling – a little higher in their frequency. With each breath, allow any energies you feel inside become lighter, lighter, and lighter . . . until they have dissolved into the space of your being – the space of peace that rests within you.

#3 Creating The Magic
Grab a glass, fill it with warm/hot water, squeeze in fresh lemon juice, honey, and add turmeric and cayenne pepper powder (this is a health drink from Sadhguru for immunity – with cayenne pepper for a metabolic boost!)

Hold the glass in your hands. Choose 3 words (or as many or little you like) that you wish to bring into your body. Let us go with STRENGTH, HEALTH, & VITALITY. Each of these words carries their own vibrational resonance. You must bring their vibration into your body. This may take some time and visualization to understand these energies, however the more you do it, the more instantaneous you will feel it.

So let us begin with STRENGTH. Stirring your elixir, speak “May this drink bring my body absolute strength.” As you say this, as you intend this, bring the feeling of ultimate strength into your body. What does this vibration feel like? What does ultimate strength mean to you? Focus, and then let it go.

Now bring in the feeling, the vibration of health. “May this drink bring my body absolute health.” Focus, and then let it go.

And lastly, “May this drink bring my body absolute vitality.” Focus, and then let it go.

Your creation is complete. Drink in this glass of gold, feeling it flow down your body and assimilate into all of your cells. Know the power of this drink as you bring it in. Consciously drink.
. . .

Living with intention; doing the simplest tasks with absolute awareness of the moment itself and your presence within it. Intend what you wish to create and bring forth the energy of the manifested result through your body. When you walk, you can walk with love for the Earth. When you fold clothes, you can give the material comfort, gratitude, and beauty. When you clean your home, you can purify the energetic space. When you drive, you can be protected. When you touch, you can heal.What will you create with your power?