5 Steps to Living the Life of Your Dreams

If you truly want the life of your dreams, then you better get good at being happy for no reason.

Happiness is a practice, for many. Somewhere along our growth we became consumed by a mental blueprint. The blueprint of  how we think and feel. That’s why most people aren’t even aware of the dis-ease they are living in, because it is simply normal. Perhaps you are very aware of the pain yet its haze seems inescapable. 

So, how do we break out of this adult brain and into our limitless potential? In these 5 steps, may you find what you’ve been seeking all along. Though you will realize that it is right here with you. Always, despite anything.

I must mention that we all roll back into our darkness from time to time. And that is quite alright because we are training our ability to focus. Training anything takes time, energy, and adaptation. It is only a matter of recognizing the old blueprint and rising up to your new/old-found level of happiness and clarity.

#1 Notice

Endless streams, endless streams, blah blah blah, he said she said, I should, I will, I don’t . . .  

Notice the mind. What is it saying? What does it sound like? 

Noticing the mind can be one of the most tricky things, especially if you have never known separation between you and the mind. A conscious human lives in this separation, acting from a ‘higher’ state, the state of consciousness. An unconscious human believes it is the mind. It is in this belief that perceptions and emotions weigh heavily, because the mind proclaims it is of utmost importance. 

Most people give up on mediation because they “can’t shut their brain off.” It is in the trying that they fail. Trying is a mental thing, not a spiritual thing. In moving away from mind, we move into spirit (or whichever abstraction that resonates).

So if we can’t try to meditate, how do we do this? 


Notice the thoughts. Be free of judging them. Be free of being upset that they are there. The mind is a powerful tool. Send the mind gratitude, for it is a wonderful thing. Yet, it is time to wake up from being the mind and become the user.

Notice the thought. Then notice the space after this thought. Notice the thought. Notice the space.

Notice the space.

This is space. This is silence. This is awareness. This is consciousness. This is YOU.

#2 See As It Is

Notice the space.

Now take one deep breath.

Look at your surroundings. Drink it all into your visual field.

Continue to notice the space in your head. If thoughts pop in, that’s okay. Just notice the space between them.

See your surroundings in this clear space of mind. See as it is. It is simple. It is beautiful. It is life.

Unclouded by mental processing, we can see from this place of solace.

#3 Gratitude

Take one deep breath. On your exhale, allow a soft smile to land on your face. Breathe. It feels so good to breathe. Say thank you for this breath.  

Thank you for lungs and fresh air to breathe. Allow this gratitude to resonate in your heart. Keep smiling and saying thank you until you feel this natural love rising within.

Thank you for a body that I can exist in. Feel this.

Thank you for the people I love and love me, for they make life so rich and purposeful. Feel this.

Thank you for the sun that brings us warmth, joy, and all kinds of delicious food. Feel this.

Thank you for a pillow that brings me so much comfort at the end of the day. Feel this.

What else are you grateful for? 

Feeling gratitude is easy once the ball gets rolling. Just like anger can spiral chaotically, love can expand bigger, brighter, and deeper.

Gratitude is the secret to feeling good. It just takes your focus.

#4 Limitless Potential

Only from this place of clarity, presence, and love can we tap into the innate creativity that lives within. This creative space resides within all of us.

The creativity I speak of is not necessarily what you may think. I once thought it was a way of making art through painting, dancing, music, making food, etc. Yet, it is much more than physical expression. It is inspiration, ways of thinking, dreaming, navigating life with grace, openness . . . The definition of creativity is: the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations.

In the space of awareness you can tap into limitless potential.

Why? Because you are no longer limited by the mind that runs on past, present, and future, accumulating patterns of thinking and behaviour. Creativity is born from us.

How do I ‘tap in?’ 

Your experience is completely unique. You have your own path to follow. You, in your greatest expression, have many ‘gifts’ to discover, explore, share, and master.

Your path of self-discovery and exploration begins with your next greatest excitement and interest. 

Give yourself time to be with yourself.  Follow #1, 2, and 3. 

Sit quietly, maybe with a cup of tea.

Ask yourself: ‘What do I truly want to do for the time being? What sparks my interest?’ Allow yourself to ponder, there is no rush here. Continue to breathe and come back to this moment. 

When a thought comes that excites or peaks your interest, do that! It could be researching, planning, writing, going outside, calling someone . . . 

Flow with the next good feeling impulse, and the next, and the next . . .

#5 Loving Living

The key is to give yourself time every single day for this. Living the life of your dreams is a daily practise. You will discover the joy in living every day, each moment. It is in this way of being that beauty unfolds. The positive momentum you create through self-practise will propel you forward. Instead of trying so hard, life will begin to happen for you. All that is needed is you.

With a grateful heart, you emanate love. Flowing with creativity charges lust for life and purpose. You are the everything you have been searching for.