5 Ways To Be Sick For Your Own Good

Being sick and confined to your couch can actually be something to be grateful for and explored. Crazy right? Usually by the time we’re bedridden sick, we know it’s time to take a break and heal our body. Aside from perhaps not getting sufficient quality sleep, nutrients, water, and exercise, there are also non-physical reasons we may be getting sick. Neglecting care and attention to our mental and emotional states can amount to a great deal of stress on the body. Diving inward to the root causes of any illness will open up a gateway to your own personal transformation.

Along with recognizing the causes, you are enduring a rather unpleasant journey of your own. Take this as your own ‘how to be sick’ guide for maximum enjoyment and transformation.

  1. Reflect

Think of the week prior to feeling ill. What was your emotional state most of the time? What was the primary focus of your mind that leans to feeling negative? Were you nourishing your body with fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of water? Were you well rested? 

Bring awareness to the negative inner workings of your mind and the way you treat yourself. You may find that you have been mentally operating with haste for too long, worry, self-loathing, etc. This is something you can be more aware of now. When a pattern surfaces into your awareness, you can choose to act and think differently. This pattern will dissolve, saving you from more costly repercussions in later years.

  1. Notice Your Sick Mind

This is an exercise for your whole journey on the couch (and life). It is actually quite funny how the mind can downward spiral into “I’m sick, my body hurts, I’m sick, this sucks, I want to get up but I don’t want to move, my body hurts, I should be doing work, I should go anyway, no I shouldn’t, I’m sick, I haven’t done anything useful, this sucks, etc.” On and on and on. Sure it’s not too bad when you’re dosed up on Nyquil and feeling alright. But when you hit the thick of not feeling well it can be pretty challenging to change or get out of your crappy mind. 

You will feel better and heal faster with a positive-focused mind. This is where #3, 4, & 5 help make the shift.

  1. Spruce Up The Energy

If you are able to peel yourself up to stand and move about, take care of the energy in your home. The energy of illness and self-destruction can ripple out to your home and loves ones. Cleanse the energy in your home and create your own space of healing. There are plenty of ways you can do this. Go with what feels most refreshing and gratifying.

  1. Smudge yourself and home. Light up your sage stick and whisp it however and wherever you feel called to. Focus on clearing out the old and bringing in new, fresh life.
  2. Diffuse Essential Oils. Essential oils have proven benefits to ease your mind and physical symptoms. Try eucalyptus (eliminates airborne bacteria, relieves nasal congestion, boosts mental clarity) and ylang ylang (soothes negative emotion and sleeplessness).
  3. Play music that eases or uplifts you. Our home is usually buzzing with healing frequencies playing from the TV. Search ‘healing frequencies’ on Youtube and you’ll find an abundance of videos. Keep the vibe of your home fresh and engaging. If the music is starting to make you feel dull or overstimulated, change it up.

4. Breathe in Some Nature

Go outside. Breathe. Look at the sky. Smile with a little gratitude. Taking yourself out of the little hole you’ve been slumping in can brighten and broaden your perspective. Helping you take advantage of the next point.

5. Dream Ahead

This is a great time to take advantage of the fact that nothing is expected of you. Use this downtime as a turning point, an opportunity to slow your role, re-evaluate, and create your next path. Grab a journal and pen. Without restriction allow yourself to think of the most perfect life for yourself. Begin writing anything you see, think, or hear that uplifts your heart and truly excites you. Let your dreams of experiences, people, places, and things fill the page. Let your inner creativity shine. Even if it seems far-fetched, you will feel so satisfied with the beautiful story you’ve painted.

Your energy ripples and changes everything ~ be mindful ~ be dreamy ~ get well soon.